
Proposed $5 Million in Cowboy Welfare

 Missouri hopes to lasso national rodeo event with upgrades to state fairgrounds

APRIL 13, 2019

JEFFERSON CITY • Missouri Gov. Mike Parson wants to invest nearly $5 million in a project that might not have a payback until long after he’s left office.

The Republican governor is calling on lawmakers to set aside money to make upgrades to the 118-year-old Missouri State Fairgrounds in Sedalia, with a goal of luring the National High School Rodeo Finals to the facility.

Read full story here: https://www.stltoday.com/news/local/govt-and-politics/missouri-hopes-to-lasso-national-rodeo-event-with-upgrades-to/article_dd4e2e7b-6e81-54e2-a508-6b00ecbfd475.html

SHARK President: Colorado Governor Owens is a "Moron", "Stooge"

Colorado Governor, Cattlemen: Incompetent Welfarists

by Steve Hindi, President, SHARK

February, 2007

I want to start by saying that I am neither a PETA basher nor a PETA fan. PETA has at times made me proud to be a fellow animal protector, while at other times their antics have left me shaking my head in embarrassment. I've just never accepted that taking one's clothes off helps animals, but that's just me. My feelings about the matter of PETA refusing to aid cattle in Colorado are, however, clear and unequivocal, as is my opinion of the Governor of Colorado after he declared PETA to be “A Bunch of Losers” and “Frauds” for that refusal.

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Coins for Cowboys

Think Rodeo Doesn't Need Corporate Welfare? Guess Again. 

Rodeos like to portray themselves as being rugged and self-sufficient. They claim to be true pioneers that can survive without any handouts. But back in the real world, nothing could be further from the truth.

Check out this newspaper article describing the rodeo panhandling that is taking place in Marshall, MN. The rodeo even set out cardboard cowboys to beg for money around town to collect their welfare. "Coins for Cowboys" they call it.

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University Supports Illegal Animal Abuse

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