
Think Rodeo Doesn't Need Corporate Welfare? Guess Again. 

Rodeos like to portray themselves as being rugged and self-sufficient. They claim to be true pioneers that can survive without any handouts. But back in the real world, nothing could be further from the truth.

Check out this newspaper article describing the rodeo panhandling that is taking place in Marshall, MN. The rodeo even set out cardboard cowboys to beg for money around town to collect their welfare. "Coins for Cowboys" they call it.

In addition, there was a very telling quote in the article. SHARK has said for years that rodeo only exists because of the corporate handouts they receive and here is further proof. Check out this quote: "tickets sales make up about "one-third of our revenue."

That sounds about right to us, rodeos would close up tomorrow if corporate America quit subsidizing this animal abuse. This is why it is so very important to let your opinion be known to the Coca-Colas and Wranglers of this world.

University Supports Illegal Animal Abuse

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