
Baylor Bear Abuse


Success! SHARK forced the university to spend close to $1,000,000 upgrading the living conditions for the bears. Not a total victory, but it made an immense difference in the lives of these innocent prisoners.

In addition, the students were forced to no longer hold raucous parties in the bear's enclosure and the bears are no longer forced to attend the Baylor football games. Additionally the bears are no longer feed Dr. Pepper and other junk food. They no longer rotate the bears like people leasing new cars. All that and more changed because of our campaign.

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Hate Mail from Baylor Supporters

A number of supporters of Baylor's animal abuse are sending SHARK hate E-mail. Not all supporters of the mascot program behave in this manner. Unfortunately, to our knowledge no Baylor students involved in obscene and threatening behavior have been disciplined by Baylor administrators.

From: "Maxwell, David" <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Subject: Hate mail
Date: Wed, 5 Feb 2003 09:21:48


I think you are (expletive deleted) out of your mind. To say that these bears are abused because they walk in circles and occasionally have to walk in their (expletive deleted) is so (expletive deleted) stupid.

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Baylor Bear Abuse Photos


This is Lady, a 6-month-old victim and newest arrival at Baylor University’s bear prison. Lady lives alone on a slab of concrete, and paces repetitively and cries day and night. She sees the world only through multiple layers of chain link fencing. A recent injury caused her to limp and was clearly painful to her, but her trainer refused to get her veterinary care, claiming she is still learning to walk. That claim is utter nonsense. 

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Baylor's Long, Cruel History


Baylor incompetence led to the tragic deaths of many bears at the university. This baby, named "Little Princess," was among many babies mauled to death by adult bears due to Baylor caretakers' lack of knowledge of basic bear behavior.

Baylor University bear "mascot" deaths

The following are excerpts from the book:

Here Come the Bears
The Story of the Baylor University Mascots
Author: Eugene W. Baker

This book details some but not all of the suffering of the Baylor bears over the decades of the bear mascot program. Incredibly, the book was written by a Baylor supporter! We believe this book demonstrates the mindset of supporters of Baylor's bear mascot program, and reveals the true role of the bears -- as objects of entertainment and servitude.

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