
Cruel Celebrities


The purpose of CruelCelebrities.com is to "out" unethical and hypocritical celebrities that are fraudulently masquerading as compassionate, morally-bound people.

Popular entertainers spend large amounts of money on public relations and publicity agents. Their propaganda promotes them as caring, socially-conscious, ethical people, when in fact these Cruel Celebrities are promoting, supporting, and even sponsoring indefensible animal cruelty and an industry pervaded by criminal activities.

Please speak up for the animals and tell these entertainers that as long as they continue to support animal abuse, financially or any other way, that you will not buy their albums, tickets to their concerts, watch their shows, or spend your money or time supporting them in any way.

Cruel Celebrities have no moral compass of their own, but instead blow with the public wind, and they can't help but listen if fans are loud enough. Urge these celebrities to look at the documentation from SHARK's investigations and remind them that no one should want to be aligned with this sort of pointless and appalling cruelty.

Sheryl Crow

Sheryl Crow has been an outspoken supporter for wild horses. It is because of this that SHARK was surprised that she was scheduled to perform at the Cheyenne Frontier Days rodeo (CFD), opening night, July 22, 2011.

SHARK has documented cruelty and even deaths of horses at the CFD. We sent Sheryl Crow the following letter dated May 11, 2011 (Click here to read the complete letter), and we are released the YouTube video below. This video not only speaks personally to Ms. Crow, but shows footage SHARK has taken exposing the cruel and inhumane treatment of horses at CFD.

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Shania Twain

Shania Twain claims to love horses, and claims she is a vegetarian for moral reasons. In 2001 Shania was voted PETA’s first “Sexiest Vegetarian Alive.” So why is Shania Twain performing at the 2014 Calgary Stampede - a place known for killing horses and other animals at its annual rodeo? Shania - caring about animals surely means you don’t perform at a place that brutally abuses them, and even kills them in the name of sick entertainment, doesn’t it? Twain also made an appearance at the cruel 2013 National Finals Rodeo (NFR) in Las Vegas NV. You can read about that here.

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Joan Jett

Joan Jett claims to care about animals. Jett supports both PETA and Farm Sanctuary. However, Joan Jett performed at the infamous Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo in 2014. The Cheyenne Rodeo is one of the most brutal rodeos in the world. The Cheyenne Rodeo kills animals every year. SHARK investigators have documented the injuries and deaths of dozens of animals - horses, calves, steers and bulls at the Cheyenne Rodeo. The way we see it, no one who truly cares about animals would perform at the Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo.

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Miranda Lambert: Animal Abuser and Animal Killer

Supposed animal lover and country music star Miranda Lambert wants to have it both ways. On one hand she claims to be an animal lover - she runs a foundation to benefit several humane societies. But on the other bloody hand she is an animal killer. Click here to watch Miranda Lambert kill some animals for fun and "entertainment." 

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