
In July 2007 the Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo, one of the cruelest rodeos in the world, once again brutalized, maimed and dragged many animals to certain death in the name of mindless "entertainment". In an effort to bring a wider audience in to the rodeo, CFD booked Def Leppard-especially surprising because the rock group has vegetarian members, one of whom even made a PSA for an animal advocacy organization. Click here to contact Def Leppard about this tangle of hypocrisy and abuse. 


Def Leppard Performs at 2007 Cheyenne Rodeo; Confirms Status as Hypocrites and Abuse Supporters!

In July 2007, the Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo, one of the cruelest rodeos in the world, once again brutalized, maimed and dragged away many animals to certain death in the name of mindless "entertainment". Apparently rodeo thugs sense that their stupid westernized circus is having a tougher and tougher time making it even in cradles of cruelty like Wyoming, so they are looking for back door approaches to bringing people through the gates.

In 2007 the Cheyenne cruelty contest managed to schedule two acts that caught our notice - rock groups Def Leppard and Bon Jovi. It's not the first time the CFD Rodeo has had rock music there in an attempt to coax in a wider, typically non-rodeo-going crowd to their waning event.

Performers like Def Leppard should be ashamed to support rodeo cruelty!

However, the Def Leppard signing is something of a surprise since the majority of the band are vegetarians. Guitarists/singers Phil Collen and Vivian Campbell are vegetarians, as is drummer Rick Allen, and even their producer, John "Mutt" Lange. Phil Collen has been so outspoken about his beliefs that he made a public service announcement for PETA urging people to go vegetarian and show more compassion towards animals. The dietary lifestyles of Bon Jovi band members are unknown.

SHARK has been in touch with the publicists of both bands, and we have sent packages including still picture and video documentation.

Please contact each band at the information below and nicely but firmly let them know that you'll never be able to look at or listen to them the same way since their participation in a show whose history is the maiming and killing of untold numbers of animals.

The Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo is one of the most brutal and deadly rodeos in the world, as it features both steer busting and the infamous wild horse race. In 2005, SHARK investigators shot pictures and video exposing Cheyenne's cruelty, including horses and bulls being shocked, and calves, steers and horses injured and killed. You can see SHARK's brutally graphic photos of the CFD Rodeo here at ShameOnCheyenne.com.

In 2006, a Cheyenne reporter wrote a stunning article that graphically exposed not only the routine shocking of horses to get them to "perform" at Cheyenne, but the absolutely careless attitude of rodeo thugs toward their nonhuman victims, and the utter worthlessness of rodeo's so-called "humane rules." Click here to read this groundbreaking article.

In 2006 Carrie Underwood withdrew from the CFD Rodeo. SHARK had sent her video and still pictures showing the cruelty of the rodeo, and many compassionate fans wrote letters to her urging Carrie to "buck the rodeo". Even coffee giant Starbucks withdrew its corporate rodeo sponsorship of CFD when faced with the irrefutable images of animal abuse, injury and death during our Buck Starbucks campaign.

Apparently, Def Leppard's commitment to animals is mere words, as was the case with Willie Nelson and Hilary Duff. You may recall that Duff stopped playing rodeos after we sent the Tiger to expose her in her Hollywood stomping grounds, while the last chapters of the Willie Nelson/SHARK saga have yet to be written (yes, that means that the Tiger and Willie will meet in the future).

Contact Def Leppard and Bon Jovi

Please contact Def Leppard via: 

Def Leppard
Mr. Todd Nakamine
Universal Music Enterprises
2220 Colorado Avenue
Santa Monica, CA 90404 
Phone: (310) 865-7797
Fax: (310) 865-0119
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Please contact Bon Jovi via:

Bon Jovi
Ms. Laura Swanson, Publicist
Island Def Jam Music Group
825 Eighth Avenue
New York, NY 10019
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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