
On March 9, 2008, Miley Cyrus played to a sold out crowd of 73,459 people in Houston, Texas. Unfortunately a concert is not the only thing that took place that afternoon. Before Miley Cyrus took the stage, baby animals were clotheslined and slammed to the ground as part of the "family entertainment". 


On March 9, 2008, Miley Cyrus played to a sold out crowd of 73,459 people in Houston, Texas. Unfortunately a concert is not the only thing that took place that afternoon. Before Miley Cyrus took the stage, a rodeo took place as part of the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo.

People bought a single ticket to see both Miley and the rodeo. A rodeo where calves were clotheslined while running at full speed and then body slammed to the ground and where animals were severely injured as an excuse for "family entertainment".

While the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA) claims that this is one of the largest rodeos in North America, the truth is that rodeo audiences have been getting smaller and smaller every year.

As more and more sponsors wake up to the cruelty of rodeo and quit sponsoring this brutality, rodeo committees are scrambling to find a way to make up for all that lost cash. To keep rodeos financially afloat, given the lack of interest in watching animals being treated brutally, rodeo promoters have begun to combine a big-name concerts with each rodeo in an effort to boost ticket sales.

Miley Cyrus is best known for her role on the Disney Channel program Hannah Montana and more recently for her pop music career. She is the daughter of country singer Billy Ray Cyrus. When people buy a ticket to see entertainers like Miss Cyrus perform, they are also buying a ticket to the rodeo. This ticketing scheme allows rodeo promoters to tell sponsors that the rodeo had giant crowds when this is a twisting of truth. But since when does the truth matter to rodeo people?

Watch the video on this page, then please tell Miss Cyrus to stop lending her name to an industry based on animal abuse. If dogs or cats were treated like this, the abuser would be charged with a crime and possibly jailed. We don't think Miley would want her dog treated like the animals in a rodeo. Would you?

To anyone who would claim that Miley simply gave a concert and that she did nothing to help the Houston Rodeo, consider this quote from Lee Roy Shafer, the Houston Rodeo's chief operating officer:

"The thing I'm most excited about, both this year and last year, is the new people we're bringing out here. They came to see those entertainers, but they got an introduction to what rodeo and this organization is all about."

Miley Cyrus is at the height of her popularity and could perform in any venue she chooses. Why would she perform at an event that features animals being roped around the neck as they run full speed and then are slammed into the ground? Rodeos injure and kill countless animals during a season and torture many, many more animals with electricity and other forms of abuse. Is this treatment of animals really what Miley Cyrus wants to be associated with?

For more information about rodeo animal abuse please visit RodeoCruelty.com To find out about other sponsors of rodeo abuse, go to CorporateThugs.com.

Please write Miley a polite letter urging her to not perform again at the Houston Rodeo or ANY rodeo.

Tish Cyrus/Miley Cyrus
c/o The Disney Channel
3800 Alameda Avenue
Burbank, CA 91505


Miley Cyrus 
P. O. Box 1459
Santa Monica, CA 90406


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