
Cotton Rosser

Cruelty is His Business

Meet Cotton Rosser, owner of the Flying U Rodeo Company.

Cotton Rosser

Cotton is what the rodeo industry calls a “stock contractor”. His company supplies the livestock for rodeos and in many instances his company will also produce the entire rodeo. Cotton Rosser is one of the oldest and most well-known names in all of rodeo. Rosser has been called the P. T. Barnum of Rodeo…..among other things. Some of the rodeos that Cotton supplies animals for are the National Finals Rodeo, the Rowell Ranch Rodeo, the Reno Rodeo, the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, and the Grand National Rodeo in San Francisco to name just a few.

The PRCA has lavished many, many awards on Cotton. In fact, in 1995 he was inducted into the PRCA’s ProRodeo Hall of Fame. Cotton has also served on the PRCA Board of Directors.

You would expect a man with all of these awards and accomplishments to be above reproach and an example of the very best the PRCA has to offer, right?

Well, you be the judge of that.

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Rodeo Stock Contractors

Rodeo Stock Contractors: License to Violate

Go to any rodeo, even the smallest and most insignificant, and you will hear that it has the world’s “meanest & wildest” animals, and the “greatest cowboys”. Rodeo stock contractors claim their animals are “born to buck.” According to the announcer at even the sorriest, most silly affair, it is a “world championship rodeo.” The truth isn’t nearly as impressive.

If rodeos animals were “born to buck,” they wouldn’t have to be spurred, have tormenting straps tightened around their flanks, or get blasted with thousands of volts of electricity.

Rodeo stock contractors victimize and abuse tame, domestic animals for profit. These animals are forced to act wild, run and buck through pain, fear and torment. But don’t believe us.

Here we’ll introduce you to some rodeo stock contractors and how they treat the victims of rodeos. Decide for yourself if rodeo people really care about their animals.

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Rodeo Contestants

Most of the rodeo contestants in cowboy costumes on the weekend have regular jobs during the week.

These guys want to be stars, and abusing animals under the guise of sport is about the only chance they’ll have to get noticed by anyone. If you listen to the contestants as they are introduced, you’ll find a surprising number of them come from cities.

The professional rodeo contestants are just performers in a westernized circus. Neither the amateurs nor the professionals would last long on a real ranch, where there is real work to be done.

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Rodeo Associations

Here are just a few of the many rodeo organizations that exist.

The Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA)

The PRCA is the world's largest rodeo association, making it the "Corleone family" of the Rodeo Mafia. As such, the PRCA wields an impressive propaganda department, complete with a large website and a publication (Pro Rodeo Sport News).

But all the propaganda doesn't change rodeo's bottom line -- animal abuse. The PRCA obviously understands this, as they have taken several measures to hide, but not eliminate the abuses.

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University Supports Illegal Animal Abuse

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