
Toro de Fuego translates as “Bull of Fire”

This particular savagery consists of putting balls of pitch on both the horns of multiple bulls and then setting fire to the balls. The bulls are then released on the streets. These balls burn for hours causing terrible suffering.

The bulls can do nothing but run around in pain, often smashing into walls in an futile attempt to douse the fires. These fiery balls can burn for hours. During this time the dripping hot pitch burns the bull's horns, body, face, nostrils, and eyes and causes tremendous pain – all while spectators cheer and run around the victims jabbing at them stupidly with sticks.

Eventually the flaming pitch burns the bull's eyes to the point he is totally blinded, much to the delight of the villagers and the mayor of Medinaceli.

The bull eventually collapses and the villagers descend upon him and slice him into pieces while still living. At this point, the Mayor of Medinaceli slices off the bull's penis and testicles and eats them raw in an attempt to grant the village "fertility" in the upcoming year*.

This horror occurs in the second weekend of November in the Spainish town of Medinaceli.

While this video is in Spanish, you can see more of the horror inflicted upon these animals by the heartless villagers.

Tell the Medinaceli authorities that abusing bulls is totally unacceptable in modern Spain. If visiting Spain, boycott Medinaceli until the Toro de Jubilo is permanently ended.

City Hall of Medinaceli
Plaza del Ayuntamiento,1
42240 Medinaceli
Fax + 34 975326053

President of the Diputación Prov. Soria
C/ Caballeros, 17 Soria
SORIA 42071
Tel: +34 975 211089
Fax: +34 975 101091
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Turism of Soria
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President de la Junta de Castilla y Leon
Plaza de Castilla y Leon,1
Fax + 34 983411269
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Suggestions on line to the President

Turism of Castilla y León
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(Contact information courtesy of the Irish Council Against Blood Sports)

*In both 2010 and 2011, the mayor was too drunk to perform his duties. 


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