
What You Can Do to End the Cruelty of Bullfighting:  

·     Contact the Catholic Church and ask them to publicly renounce the practice of bullfighting. The Pope could end this torture tomorrow with a strong statement. See below for contact information. 

If you can only do one thing to help the bulls, this should be it!



·     Contact companies that sponsor and support bullfighting. Call and write expressing your strong disapproval. See below for a list of companies still supporting bullfights.

·     Never attend a bullfight. Educate your family, friends, and coworkers. Encourage them to never attend bullfights. Send them a link to www.BullfightBloodbath.com

·     Support local organizations in countries where bullfighting still takes place. One such group is the International Movement Against Bullfights.

·     Join SHARK's email list to keep up to date on this issue.

Take Action

The Catholic Church

We urge you to make your views known to the Vatican and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops as well as your own diocesan Bishop regarding this horrific "entertainment".

The Pope could end this torture tomorrow with a strong statement condemning the torture of these innocent animals.

Email His Holiness through the Vatican's website: http://www.vatican.com/contact

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) is an assembly of the U.S. Catholic Church hierarchy. Please call and respectfully ask that the Church issue a statement condemning the cruel practice of bullfighting.

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
3211 4th Street, N.E.
Washington DC 20017-1194
Telephone: (202) 541-3000
Send a message through their website here: http://www.usccb.org/about/contact-us.cfm

Please forward any response you may receive from the Church to us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


SHARK is determined to get Coca-Cola out of the animal abuse business! Read about Coca-Cola's disgusting presence at bullfights here.

You can help us by sharing your thoughts about Coke's insensitivity with the company's CEO and President:

Contact Coke here!

Email Coca-Cola's Corporate Responsibility Review directly at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: 770-989-3000
Toll Free! (800) 438-2653 (GET-COKE)

Chairman and CEO
The Coca-Cola Company
P.O. Box 1734
Atlanta, GA 30301

Please also send a separate letter to the same address to the Board of Directors at Coca-Cola.

Please forward any response you may receive from Coke to us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., so we can keep track of what corporate lie(s) they are handing out at any given moment:

Discover Card/Diners Club 

Diners Club International, which is owned by Discover Financial Services, sponsors dozens of bullfights where bulls are tortured to death by gangs of armed thugs. To learn more click here.

Please Watch our new video launching our campaign to get Discover/Diners Club out of the bullfighting business. Once you see the absolute cruelty involved, you'll want to join me in cutting up your Discover card.


Please e-mail or call Discover Financial Services' Chief Executive Officer David W. Helms and politely let him know what you think of Discover/Diners Club sponsoring cruel bullfights at:

Phone: 224-405-0900
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Corona Beer

A bullring employee places a bloody harpoon tip into a Corona Beer cup. The harpoon was just ripped from the body of a bull who was tortured to death in a bullring in Puebla, Mexico.


Corona literally has the blood of the innocent on it. Hopefully caring people will think of this picture before ordering a Corona, or any product of Anheuser-Busch.

Ironically, Anheuser-Busch, maker of Budweiser Beer and the major shareholder of Corona, also owns the Sea World marine parks, and claims to care about animals and conservation. This picture exposes the truth.

Anheuser-Busch refuses to remove its support for possibly the worst animal torture on the planet, and not surprisingly also sponsors rodeos in the United States and Canada.

Read about Corona's disgusting presence at bullfights here. 

Tell Corona what you think about them supporting this brutality: 

Email them at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Please forward any response you may receive from Corona to us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Report Cockfighting!

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