We, the following humane organizations, are opposed to the cruelty and abuse of animals in rodeos.
Click here for information about locations with prohibitions and/or restrictions on rodeos or rodeo events
- A-1 Poor Fund Foundation/Cochin, India
- Action Against Poisoning/The Hague, Netherlands www.actionagainstpoisoning.com
- Activists Against Factory Farming/Pine Ridge, AR
- Adopt an Animal Canada/Toronto www.adoptananimal.ca
- Advocates for Animals/Edinburgh, UK www.advocatesforanimals.org
- Against Animal Cruelty Tasmania/Hobard, Tasmania www.gbr.wwf.org.au
- Aid for Animals/Metairie, LA www.aidforanimals.com
- All Species Kinship/Battle Creek, Michigan
- Alliance Against Animal Abuse/Albuquerque, NM
- American Humane Association/Arlington, VA www.americanhumane.org
- American Sanctuary Association/Las Vegas, NV
- Anima- foreningen for alle dyrs rettigheder/Denmark www.pelsinfo.dk
- Animal Active/Melbourne, Australia www.animalactive.org
- Animal Advocates of the Inland North West/Liberty Lake, WA www.animaladvocatesnw.org
- Animal Advocates Society of British Columbia www.animaladvocates.com
- Animal Alliance of Canada/Toronto, Canada www.animalalliance.ca
- Animal Angels/Jacksboro, TX www.anmlangls.org
- Animal Concern/UK Dumbarton, Scotland www.animalconcern.com
- Animal Defense League, Los Angeles www.animaldefense.com
- Animal Legal Defense Fund/Petaluma, CA www.aldf.org
- Animal Legislative Action Network/Los Angeles, CA www.animalpolitics.com
- Animal Place/Vacaville, CA www.animalplace.org
- Animal Liberation Front/www.animalliberationfront.com
- Animal Liberation NSW/Sydney, Australia www.animal-lib.org.au
- Animal Liberation (SA), Inc./Adelaide, Australia www.animalliberation.org.au
- Animal Protection Agency/Brighton, UK www.apa.org.uk
- Animal Rescue Foundation/Fossil, OR
- Animal Rights Advocates of Upstate New York/Rochester, NY www.ARAUNY.org
- Animal Rights Direct Action Coalition/San Francisco, CA
- Animal Rights Fund/Bangalore, India
- Animal Rights Online/Miami, FL www.geocities.com/RainForest/1395
- Animal Rights Resource Centre/Australia www.arrc.org.au
- Animals Australia/Victoria, Australia www.animalsaustralia.org
- The Animals Voice/www.animalsvoice.com
- Animal 2000-Menschen fur Tierrechte Bayern e.V./Germany www.animal2000.de
- Anti-Vivisection Union/East Victoria Park, Western Australia www.arrc.org.au
- Arche 2000 Welt-Tierhilfe e.V./Germany www.animalnews.de
- Association of Veterinarians for Animal Rights/Davis, CA www.avar.org
- ARC news/UK www.arcnews.org.uk
- Ark II – The Animal Rights Kollective/Toronto, CA www.ark-ii.com
- Ark Wild Inc./Miami, FL www.arkwild.org
- Auckland Animal Action/New Zealand www.enzyme.org.nz/aucklandanimalaction
- Austin Zoo/Austin, TX www.austinzoo.com
- Ballarat Organisation for Animal Rights/Australia www.goldlinksweb.com/boar
- Beauty Without Cruelty (S.A.)/South Africa
- Big Cat Rescue/Tampa, FL www.BigCatRescue.org
- Bite Back Vegan Society
- Brooklyn Law School Animal Legal Defense Fund
- The California Animal Defense & Anti-Vivisection League, Inc./Gardena, CA
- California Lobby for Animal Welfare
- The Captive Animals’ Protection Society/Preston, UK www.captiveanimals.org
- Catskill animal Sanctuary/Saugerties, NY www.casanctuary.org
- Cedarhill Animal Sanctuary/Caledonia, MS www.cedrhill.org
- Christian Animal Rights Association
- Christian Vegetarian Association/Cleveland, OH www.christianveg.com
- Citizens for Planetary Health/Swain, NY www.linkny.com
- Comite Anti Stierenvechten (Anit Bullfighting Committee)/Utrecht, Netherlands www.stieren.net
- Compassionate Action Institute/New York, NY www.pleasebekind.com
- Compassionate Crusaders Trust/India www.animalcrusaders.org
- Cornwall’s Voice for Animals/UK www.justnicephotos.homestead.com/CVFA.html
- The Council Animal Advocacy/Canada www.thecouncilclaw.ca
- Country Critters Rescue Corral/Sedro-Woolley, WA www.countrycritters.org
- Danish Friends of Animals/Copenhagen, Denmark www.dfas.dk/english
- Djurrat.org/Jonkoping, Sweden www.djurratt.org
- Dog Patch/Colville, WA www.dogpat.org
- East Bay Animal Advocates/Martinez, CA www.eastbayanimaladvocates.org
- Een Dier Een Vriend/Netherlands http://www.edev.nl
- Engineers and Scientists for Animal Rights/Silicon Valley, CA www.esar-online.com
- Equine Advocates/Chatham, NY www.equineadvocates.com/
- Farm Sanctuary/Watkins Glen, NY www.farmsanctuary.org
- FarPlace Animal Rescue/UK www.farplace.co.uk
- Farm Animal Welfare Network/Holmfirth, UK
- Fauna Foundation/Chambly, Quebec, Canada www.faunafoundation.org
- Fight Against Animal Cruelty in Europe/UK www.faace.co.uk
- Foundation for Interdisciplinary Research & Education Promoting Animal Welfare/Albany, NY www.firepaw.org
- Freedom for Animals/Canada www.freeanimals.org
- The Fund for Animals/New York, NY www.fund.org
- Global Action in the Interest of Animals/Belgium www.gaia.be
- Guelph Equine Area Rescue Stables/Ontario, Canada www.gearstables.com
- Haven Books International
- Help for the Helpless Animals/Dallas, TX www.volunteermatch.org/orgs/org10923.html
- Highveld Horse Care Unit/South Africa
- Horse Haven/Rathdrum, ID www.horsehavenrescue.org
- H.O.R.S.E. Rescue and Sanctuary/New York, NY www.hrsny.org
- The Humane Society of Canada/Toronto www.humanesociety.com
- The Humane Society of Louisiana/New Orleans, LA www.humanela.org
- The Humane Society of the United States/Washington, D.C. www.hsus.org
- In Defense of Animals/Mill Valley, CA www.idausa.org
- Independent Voice for Animals/Valley Head, AL
- Initiative Anti-Corrida/Germany www.anti-corrida.de
- The International Movement Against Bullfights/www.2kat.net.iwab
- Jamshedpur Animal Welfare Society/Jamshedpur, India www.jawsindia.net
- JazzPurr Society for Animal Protection/Windsor, Ontariao,Canada
- Justice for Animals/South Africa www.justiceforanimals.co.za
- Karuna Society for Animals and Nature/India
- Kalamazoo Animal Liberation League/Kalamazoo, MI /www.kallnet.org
- The Kinship Circle, St. Louis, Missouri www.kinshipcircle.org
- Lamma Animal Protection/Hong Kong SAR, China/www.lap.org.hk
- Last Chance for Animals/Los Angeles, CA www.lcanimal.org
- Last Chance for Animals San Diego
- League for Earth and Animal Protection/Sherman Oaks, CA www.LEAPnonprofit.org
- Lehigh Valley Animal Rights Coalition/Allentown, PA www.enter.net/~pstacks/index.htm
- Magnus Ronnerup/Sweden http://magnus.ronnerup.se/index.php
- The Massachusetts Animal Rights Coalition/Worcester, MA www.massachusettsanimalrights.com
- Mercy for Animals/Columbus, OH www.mercyforanimals.org
- Michigan Animal Rights Society/University of Michigan www.umich.edu/~humanity
- Michigan Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (MSPCA)/ www.michspca.org
- Mill Creek Farm
- Mossburn Animal Centre/Lockerbie, Scotland www.mossburn.org
- MovetoACT/Indianapolis, IN/www.movetoact.org
- National Animal Sanctuary Alliance/UK www.farplace.co.uk
- National Center for Animal Law/Lewis & Clark Law School/Portland, OR www.lclark.edu/org/ncal
- National Council of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals/South Africa
- Nature and Animal Care Foundation/UK
- New Jersey Animal Rights Alliance/Englishtown, NJ/www.nj-ara.org
- New Zealand Anti-Vivisection Society/Christchurch, New Zealand www.nzavs.org.nz
- NZ Vegetarian Society, Inc./Auckland, New Zealand www.ivu.org/nzvs/info/aim.htm
- No Voice Unheard/Santa Cruz, CA www.novoiceunheard.org
- Northeastern Oklahoma Animal Helpers/ www.noah-online.org
- Northwest Animal Rights Network(NARN)/Seattle, WA/www.narn.org
- Ocean Care/Wadenswil,Switzerland www.oceancare.org
- Ocean Defense International/Ashland, OR www.oceandefense.org
- Ooh MahNee, Inc./Hunker, PA www.oohmahneefarm.org/
- Operation Toby, Inc./Australia www.operationtoby.com
- Orange County People for Animals/Orange County, CA www.ocpausa.org
- PACT (People and Animals in Community Together) Humane Society
- People for Animal Rights/Syracuse, NY
- People for Animals Calcutta/India www.animalcrusaders.org
- People for Animals Haryana/India www.pfaharyana.in
- People for Animals Ludhiana/India www.peopleforanimals.org
- People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals/Norfolk, VA www.peta.org
- The Philippine Animal Welfare Society/Quezon City, Philippines www.pitstopit.com/paws3/history.htm
- Pound Rescue/Okotoks, Alberta, CA www.poundrescue.com
- Rational Animal/New York, NY www.rational-animal.org
- Real Food/UK www.realfood.org.uk
- The Responsible Animal Care Society/Canada
- Responsible Policies for Animals, Inc. /Glenside, PA www.rpaforall.org
- RSPCA, Australia
- SAFE, New Zealand
- Saint Louis Animal Rights Team/St. Louis, MO
- San Diego Animal Advocates/San Diego, CA
- Sathya Sai Sanctuary/Castlebaldwin, County Sligo, Ireland http://homepage.eircom.net/~donkeys/
- Save-A-Pet/Grayslake, IL www.save-a-pet-il.org
- Seeds for Change Humane Education/LaJolla, CA www.seedsforchangehumaneeducation.org
- Sled Dog Action Coalition/Miami, FL www.helpsleddogs.org
- Society for Animal Freedom and Equality/Canada www.animalequality.com
- SPEAK (Supporting & Promoting Ethics for the Animal Kingdom)
- Stichting Dierenhulp Venezuela/ Ugchelen, Netherlands www.dierenhulp.nl
- Students Against Animal Suffering (U.C. San Diego)
- Student Animal Rights Alliance/New York, NY www.defendanimals.org
- Students and Others for Animal Respect/Simon Fraser University/Burnaby,BC, Canada www.sfu.ca/soar/
- Students Protecting Animals (Western Michigan University)/Kalamazoo, MI
- Syracuse Animal Rights Organization/Syracuse, NY www.syracuseanimalrights.com/
- Terra Anima Trust/ The Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India
- Tierrechtstermine/Germany www.tierrechtstermine.de
- Total Animal Liberation/New York, NY
- UCLA Animal Welfare Association/Los Angeles, CA www.studentgroups.ucla.edu/awa
- United Poultry Concerns/Machipongo,VA www.upc-online.org
- Uniting for Justice/Grand Rapids, MI www.unitingforjustice.org
- Viva! USA/Davis, CA www.vivausa.org
- Veganswines/Frankfurt, Germany www.coolvegan.com
- Vegetarian Advocates/Cleveland, OH
- Vegetarians of Oklahoma: www.VegOK.org
- VegNews Magazine/San Francisco, CA www.vegnews.com
- Voice for Animals/Edmonton, Alberta, CA
- Voice of Compassion for Animal Life/Tampa, FL www.forthevoiceless.org
- Voiceless: The Fund for Animals/Australia www.voiceless.org.au
- Voices for Animals/Stroudsburg, PA
- Voices for Animals/Charlotteville, VA
- West Midlands Animal Action/Redditch, UK www.geocities.com/wmids_animalaction
- Wet Nose Animal Rescue Centre/South Africa www.wetnose.org.za
- World Animal Protection www.worldanimalprotection.org
If your organization opposes rodeo and its horrific cruelty please contact SHARK at info@sharkonline.org so we can add you to the list. Thank you for caring.