
The 2015 Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo is under way and almost immediately the rodeo starts killing animals in the name of "entertainment" and to sell Coca-Cola, the "Official Soft Drink" of all this abuse and death.


Calf appears to have a broken neck

Some incredible cruelty at CFD this year. They broke this calf's leg and yet the contestant still ties up the broken leg and gets a score. They then drag the calf away to his death while the governor of Wyoming is interviewed about how great the rodeo is.

Fatally injured calf still roped

Injured calf forced to run

Horse punched in the face

 Blatant Calf Jerk-Down against all PRCA Rules, yet contestant still gets a score in Cheyenne

They broke the right rear leg of this steer

Seriously injured steer

University Supports Illegal Animal Abuse

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