
After all these years the one thing is SHARK is 100% certain of is that animals are going to be injured and killed at the next Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo.

Will you help put an end to this cruelty? We've done our part and brought you the images and videotape, but we cannot end this without your help. Please take action right now. 


What Can You Do?

1. Contact the corporations that give money to the CFD Rodeo. Without corporate welfare the Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo would end tomorrow. This cruel spectacle cannot exist without corporate handouts. It is vitally important that you contact the companies listed below and let them know what you think of their sponsorship of animal cruelty.

2. Support SHARK with a donation. It is expensive to transport the SHARK team and to live on the road for the weeks needed to document this event. A large investment in equipment and its maintenance is also required to bring all this evidence to you and the world. Be assured we operate as economically as possible, but we do need your help.

3. You can keep the spotlight on the cruel realities of this rodeo by contacting the local papers. There is very strong pressure from the Rodeo Mafia on both of these papers, but the local media needs to know that the public wants compassion more than cruelty. Ask that the newspapers print both sides of the story and that they report on rodeo injuries as well as doing their typical fluff rodeo promotion stories. Urge them to print editorials to demand that the PRCA be held accountable for the actions, or inaction, of their people and the treatment of the animals they use specifically the continued cruelty of the Wild Horse race, Calk jerk-downs, and the cruel and deadly Steer Busting events. 

Wyoming Tribune-Eagle
Opinion Editor
702 West Lincolnway
Cheyenne, WY 82001
Phone: 800-561-6268

Casper Star-Tribune
Letters Page Editor
P. O. Box 50
Cheyenne, WY 82602
Phone: 800-442-6916
Email the Star-Tribune: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Together we can make a difference! Corporate sponsors such as Starbucks and performers such as Matchbox Twenty, and Carrie Underwood have pulled their support of this cruel spectacle. 

Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo Sponsors

 Swire Coca-Cola

Swire Coca-Cola sponsors some of the deadliest rodeos in all of America even though the Coca-Cola animal welfare policy clearly states; “The Coca-Cola Company does not endorse or condone any practice of cruelty to animals, and the Company does not sponsor or promote events where there is a risk of physical harm to animals." 

Click here to read more and to contact them.


Cheyenne Regional Medical Center

What are the medical professionals at Cheyenne Regional Medical Center thinking by sponsoring the Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo? A rodeo considered by some to be the most brutal and deadly rodeo in the world. You would think medical professionals would see enough injuries, disease and death already. So why would they give money to support even more? Click  below and ask Dr. John Lucas, the CEO.

Click here to read more and contact them. 

Bank of the West

Bank of the West is the "Presenting Sponsor" of the Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo (CFD), one of the most cruel and brutal rodeos in all of America. That makes Bank of the West by all appearances the biggest sponsor of the entire CFD rodeo.

You can help in a big way by contacting the Bank of the West and asking them to withdraw from any future involvement in the Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo, or any other form of animal abuse. 

You can read more about their support of CFD and contact them here.

University Supports Illegal Animal Abuse

Click here to watch our videos exposing Northern Illinois University!

Click Here

More Videos

To see even more documentation and video exposés please visit SHARK's YouTube account to watch any of our over 1000 videos!

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