
July 3, 2013
By Bill Gallo Jr./South Jersey Times 

PILESGROVE TWP. — The New Jersey SPCA has begun an investigation into the sudden death of a bucking horse at Cowtown Rodeo, officials said.

Cowtown Rodeo owner Grant Harris said the nine-year-old horse, Duke, died of an aneurysm Saturday night, but an animal rights group claims that the death was prompted by the use of an electric prod.

Matt Stanton, spokesman for the New Jersey SPCA, confirmed Wednesday that the organization is investigating the horse’s death. Stanton said there have been no findings yet in the case.

The animal rights group Showing Animals Respect and Kindness, also known as SHARK, posted a video on YouTube Monday showing the incident.

A grainy close-up image that is highlighted shows what appears to be a “hotshot,” an electric prod, behind the chute area as the animal exits.

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