
By Kate Giammarise / Post-Gazette Harrisburg Bureau

HARRISBURG — A group opposed to organized pigeon shoots in Pennsylvania hopes a new television commercial featuring Bob Barker will lead to a law that would ban such “brutal acts.”

“Live pigeon shoots held in Pennsylvania are horrific, brutal acts of animal cruelty,” the famed former television game show host says in the 30-second commercial, over footage of wounded and dead birds.

The spot begins airing on cable networks this week and is sponsored by Illinois-based SHowing Animals Respect and Kindness (SHARK). Mr. Barker, a well-known animal rights advocate, gave the organization a $1 million grant several years ago to fight pigeon shoots.

Supporters of such legislation say the shoots often leave wounded birds to die slowly and painfully. Bills addressing the issue have been kicking around the Capitol in one form or another for more than 20 years.

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