
Via Maya van Rossumon

Apr 24, 2014

Imagine a beautiful day out on a boat enjoying the sun and the beauty of the river. Suddenly shots ring out.

Shot fragments and bits of lead, steel, and other metals are raining down all around you. How can it be that you are in this beautiful public place on a scenic recreational river, and yet be at risk for a face full of shot fragments?

What if you had brought your family, your children?

You turn to look where the shots are coming from, and you see a curtain of fabric. The shots are coming from behind (and over and through) the curtain. Hidden behind that curtain is a live pigeon shoot, and the shooters are aiming their guns toward the river you are boating on.

How can this be allowed to happen?

If a gun club shot at targets in the air above a park where parents took their kids to play, would anyone doubt that the shooting would be stopped as inherently unsafe? If a gun club shot into the air above a bike path, would anyone doubt that there was a major safety risk? What about allowing a gun club to shoot into the air above a highway used by convertible cars with their tops down? Motorists would be exposed to shot that can cause eye injuries and cut faces, necks and hands.
So why is the Philadelphia Gun Club, located in Bensalem, PA, allowed to shoot out over a motorized travel route, a public water trail, and a recreational area at the very time these areas are used by an unsuspecting public?

Read the rest of this great piece here.

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