
May 29, 2021


On Friday, May 28th, SHARK investigators were in Oklahoma and filmed horrendous conditions at a suspected cockfighting and dogfighting property. We've released an emergency video to get attention and put pressure on the Washington County Sheriff's office to take action. 

Watch the video HERE


We believe the above two dogs may be "bait" dogs, used to train fighting dogs.

This dog had a thick chain around his neck, which is often used for training dogs to fight

Please contact the Washington County Sheriffs Office and politely but firmly ask that they take immediate action to save these animals. Tell them that it is the house on NE Home Ave, Bartlesville. They have the exact address.

Sheriff Scott Owen (918) 332-4000


Please let us know what response you get.

If you support our efforts again animal abuse, then please consider making a generous donation. The on-the-ground effort against cockfighting, pigeon shooting, rodeos, zoos and more means hundreds and hundreds of hours crisscrossing the country. This is real field work. It is difficult and often dangerous, not to mention expensive, but if there is to be success, this is how it has to be done.

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University Supports Illegal Animal Abuse

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