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August 26, 2019
Cockfighting is illegal in all 50 states, yet these bloody, barbaric events are ongoing across our country. SHARK has already taken the initiative against cockfighting by using our drones to film suspect rooster farms in Illinois and California. We are now announcing a new nationwide campaign called Crush Cockfighting that will expose these illegal animal fights like never before, and we'll work hard to have those involved held accountable under the law.
Our first exposé deals with two Kentucky law enforcement officers who are cockfighters. Ronnie Bennett is a Captain at the Harlan County Detention Center. Bennett's son, Kyle Simpson, is also a corrections officer at the same jail.
Watch the video HERE

Simpson (middle) and Bennett (right) posing with a cockfighting trophy
Bennett and Simpson have a rooster/game farm called the Cuttin’ Up Game Farm. The name of the farm is a dead give-away, but there are also many posts on their Facebook pages where they talk about fighting and have pictures of them posing with cockfighting trophies.
We’ve gathered an enormous amount of information on these officers just from their personal Facebook pages, as well as the page for their game farm.
In addition to Bennett and Simpson, there are at least three more individuals associated with the Cuttin’ Up Game Farm. According to their own Facebook pages, all three men live in Virginia, indicating a possible interstate cockfighting ring. For that reason, and because Bennett and Simpson are law enforcement officers, we cannot trust Harlan County authorities to act. Therefore we are asking the FBI to investigate.
This is just the beginning. We have already gathered evidence on dozens of suspected cockfighters. Due to the sensitive nature of the evidence, we are releasing minimal public information at this time. We will instead produce reports for the appropriate authorities. We will update you as this story develops, and let you know what happens to all those who we expose.
• We want to thank our friends at In Defense of Animals, for help with research and media outreach on this issue.
This is just the beginning. We have already gathered evidence on dozens of suspected cockfighters. Due to the sensitive nature of the evidence, we are releasing minimal public information at this time. We will instead produce reports for the appropriate authorities. We will update you as this story develops, and let you know what happens to all those who we expose.
• We want to thank our friends at In Defense of Animals, for help with research and media outreach on this issue.
Feel free to contact the Harlan County Detention Center to inquire about the status of Bennett and Simpson. Please be polite and professional at all times.
Harlan County Detention Center
BJ Burkhart - Jailer
(606) 573-5740 (the phone number is now disconnected)
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BJ Burkhart - Jailer
(606) 573-5740 (the phone number is now disconnected)
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