
July 2, 2019


2019 marks SHARK's 25th year fighting for animals! We will have much more on this important milestone in the future, but we wanted to share with you an article marking the event from the Kane County Chronicle.

Please help us to continue our long history of saving lives and scoring victories for animals by making a donation to SHARK today!


From the article:

Blackberry Twp. man marks 25 years of documenting, fighting animal cruelty

BLACKBERRY TOWNSHIP – The calls come at all hours of the day and night with messages such as: “I’ll hunt you down and kill every one of you (expletive.) Quit making videos. … I hope I never see you at a rodeo. I’ll bust your (expletive) head.”

This year marks 25 years that SHowing Animals Respect and Kindness, or SHARK, founded by Steve Hindi, has been documenting animal cruelty through body cameras and drone videos. Threats laden with profanity left on voice mail comes with the territory, Hindi said.

"Everything about our combined psyche is about doing this stuff,” Hindi, 64, said. "We’re very small and in all likelihood, we always will be – because we’re full up of investigators and don’t have a single marketer."

Read the rest of the story HERE









We at SHARK are working every day to fight for animals - now we need your help. Our funds are running dangerously low. A number of investigative efforts have already been cancelled, or are on hold because we simply don't have sufficient funds. Please consider making a generous donation now to keep SHARK going strong for the animals!


University Supports Illegal Animal Abuse

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