May 11, 2018
On Wednesday, May 9, the SHARK team was back at the Minnesota Horse and Hunt Club (MHHC) in Prior Lake, Minnesota. We filmed a quail canned hunt, along with a live pigeon shoot. The excuse given for this cowardly slaughter is that it was a fundraiser for kids. More specifically, the hunt club's owner, Bill Urseth wants money to teach children to kill animals. I kid you not! It's called the Youth Hunting Club of Minnesota. We will have much more on the Youth Hunting Club in the near future, but we wanted to let you know that we are always hard at work and on the ground where the cruelty is happening.
Our Angel drone recorded video of pigeons having their feathers ripped off of their wings, to make them easier to shoot, and quail being thrown around as if they were toys, for dogs to bite and tear at. It was the same type of egregious violence that we documented at the club last month when the victims were pheasants.
A team from AirVuz accompanied SHARK documenting our work exposing this vicious killing club. The video from AirVuz is in the works and will be shared as soon as it is completed.
"I've been in the hunting business for 34 years, and I don't know what a canned hunt is," Urseth said.
Really? Bill Urseth is a guy who makes money allowing slobs to blast away at docile, caged raised birds. Urseth needs to go back to school to learn what words like “canned hunt” mean, as well as compassion and ethics. Better yet, SHARK will continue to school Urseth as we expose all the cruelty he and his patrons commit to the whole world.

If you are from Minnesota, now is the time to stand-up and speak out against these horrific slaughters. When Walter Palmer killed Cecil the lion, there were dozens of protests with hundreds of people. Bill Urseth, "in the hunting business for 34 years" and his cabal are responsible for the deaths of untold hundreds of thousands of animals. Those precious lives, snatched by the same entitled, repulsive degenerates, deserve the same outrage.

On the subject of the Minnesota Horse and Hunt Club, we are pleased to announce that pet food company NutriSource has officially withdrawn their sponsorships of the MHHC!
Today we received the following email from NutriSource:
"We did instruct the Horse & Hunt club to remove ALL NutriSource logos from their pages as we are no longer a sponsor of their programs."
Last week, SHARK created a video calling for NutriSource to terminate their sponsorship and they did. We therefore have removed the video from public view. We did this to show companies that if they do the right thing, that we will respond accordingly.
NutriSource is now the 6th company to withdraw their support for the heinous cruelty and killing committed at the MHHC. This is an incredibly successful campaign and we will continue to expose those companies who choose violence and blood over doing the right thing.