May 7, 2018
This Wednesday, May 9, SHARK will be at the Minnesota Horse and Hunt Club (MHHC), in Prior Lake, MN, to protest and film a live pigeon and quail shoot. MHHC is a canned hunting club where tame birds are mercilessly slaughtered.
The shoot is a fundraiser for a youth hunting club. It is disgraceful to slaughter tame animals for fun, and it only doubles that ignominy to teach children to do the same.
A "hunter" kicks a docile pheasant that had been planted in the brush for him to kill. This is the type of disgusting cruelty we are fighting against
Please join us for a non-violent protest to expose their violence and cruelty. This is your chance to speak out and have your voice heard!

* Parking will be on the side of the road, in front of the hunt club.
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more info.
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more info.

SHARK is releasing a new video on our highly successfully joint-campaign to document two rodeos last summer in Quebec, CA.
Watch the new video HERE

One of the victims of the CA rodeos
It what has turned out to be the most comprehensive investigation ever conducted into rodeo cruelty, SHARK investigators and a Canadian veterinarian exposed that not only does rodeo pose potential and real threats to animal safety and health, but that rodeo also violates the laws of the province of Quebec.

A horse that was injured
This was a monumental undertaking that required hundreds of hours of our investigators, and untold more hours for the Canadians who painstakingly reviewed our video and wrote the report on it.
Read the report written by Law Professor Alain Roy
Dr. Jean-Jacques Kona-Boun 610 Page Rodeo Report
The report submitted to the Rodeo Advisory Committee created in August 2017 by the Québec Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPAQ)
Comments On the Data and On the Analysis of Dr. Jean-Jaquest Kona-Boun by Veterinarians and Ethologists
Watch more of the footage from these rodeos
Dr. Jean-Jacques Kona-Boun 610 Page Rodeo Report
The report submitted to the Rodeo Advisory Committee created in August 2017 by the Québec Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPAQ)
Comments On the Data and On the Analysis of Dr. Jean-Jaquest Kona-Boun by Veterinarians and Ethologists
Watch more of the footage from these rodeos