March 30, 2018
SHARK is very pleased to announce that the Alabama Forestry Association (AFA) will no longer hold cruel live pigeon shoots as fundraisers! This is an important victory that will save untold thousands of lives!
SHARK is very pleased to announce that the Alabama Forestry Association (AFA) will no longer hold cruel live pigeon shoots as fundraisers! This is an important victory that will save untold thousands of lives!
Watch our video of the AFA shoot HERE.

The announcement came after SHARK reached out to Georgia-Pacific, whose representative is the President of the AFA. We asked Georgia-Pacific to watch our video and investigate the pigeon shoot. To their great credit, they did, and sent us the following email:
We appreciate your recent note about the Alabama event and have looked into it.
We have been informed by the Alabama Forestry Association that it does not plan to do these events in the future.
The message was sent from Deborah Baker, Vice President Sustainability of Georgia-Pacific.
The AFA has held pigeon shoots for years, yet no one did anything to stop them. SHARK, on the other hand, found out about the shoots and sent our specially trained team in and got the video evidence that no other group in the world can get. SHARK wants to give special thanks to Last Chance for Animals (LCA). LCA President Chris DeRose and his wife Cindy have been very supportive of our work. LCA's support, Bob Barker's support and your support have combined to give us the first great victory of 2018!
We appreciate your recent note about the Alabama event and have looked into it.
We have been informed by the Alabama Forestry Association that it does not plan to do these events in the future.
The message was sent from Deborah Baker, Vice President Sustainability of Georgia-Pacific.
The AFA has held pigeon shoots for years, yet no one did anything to stop them. SHARK, on the other hand, found out about the shoots and sent our specially trained team in and got the video evidence that no other group in the world can get. SHARK wants to give special thanks to Last Chance for Animals (LCA). LCA President Chris DeRose and his wife Cindy have been very supportive of our work. LCA's support, Bob Barker's support and your support have combined to give us the first great victory of 2018!
As our supporters know, we had a number of great victories in 2017 (click here to see those accomplishments) for the animals, and we are hard at work on issues in numerous states to keep building momentum for our animals friends. SHARK knocked out Oklahoma Senator Jim Inhofe's pigeon shoot last year, and this year we can't even find Pennsylvania's pigeon shoots. SHARK makes change. This is the SHARK difference, and why when you donate to us, you can be assured that you are getting the best return for your money in animal lives saved.
Please help us celebrate this victory by donating to SHARK right now, so that we may continue to do the work that needs to be done, and save the lives others ignore
Please help us celebrate this victory by donating to SHARK right now, so that we may continue to do the work that needs to be done, and save the lives others ignore