





January 23, 2017


In 2015 and 2016, SHARK documented vile killing contests on the Patuxent River in Maryland where innocent cownose rays, many of whom were pregnant, were shot with arrows and beaten with metal bats. Thanks to the dramatic video we captured, a coalition has formed to ban these slaughters and legislation has been introduced into the Maryland legislature to ban killing contests! 
Watch our new video HERE  

Hundreds of innocent rays were slaughtered. We need everyone to take action to end these barbaric contests 

We implore every resident of Maryland to immediately contact your state representative and Governor Larry Hogan and politely ask that they ban these disgusting contests. 
Contact Governor Larry Hogan HERE 

Maryland residents: Contact your state legislators HERE

Out-of-state residents please contact Maryland’s tourism board and say that these unethical and barbaric events are staining Maryland’s reputation, and that you won't be spending your vacation in Maryland while they are allowed to happen.
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This is an incredible turn of events and shows how powerful our work is, for none of this would be happening if SHARK had not spent many thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours fighting these monstrous slaughters.  If you want to see more campaigns like this, then we need your support now!


Many of the rays killed were either pregnant or had just given birth. This poor baby ray was tied to her dead mother to make her weigh more for the contest
In our last update, we told you about how we flew a drone over Marshall Farms, (a company that raises beagles for experimentation) and afterward we were illegally stopped by NY State Police and the Wayne County Sheriff’s Department. Although no laws were broken, they detained us for more than an hour and then arrested both Steve Hindi and Janet Enoch.
The video we released has gone viral, being viewed more than 1,000,000 times!  

We’ve released two follow-up videos telling more of the story. Click on the images to go to the video.
New York Cops Violate Rights, Then Clam Up 
Marshall Farms Security Caught Blatantly Lying
Please email both law enforcement agencies about how their officers acted. Please be polite, and please let us know if you get a response:

New York State Police:
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This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Wayne County Sheriff:
Sheriff Barry Virts
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Coca-Cola pretends to be a caring company, but its sponsorship of rodeos proves Coke's executives are careless and unethical, and willing to do anything for money.
Watch our new the video HERE  

This ugly brutality is what Coca-Cola sponsors
If you care about animals, please tell Coke you will not buy any of its products as long as the company sponsors animal cruelty.

Please contact Coke at (800) 438-2653.

Please share this video with everyone you know to discourage them from buying Coke products.

University Supports Illegal Animal Abuse

Click here to watch our videos exposing Northern Illinois University!

Click Here

More Videos

To see even more documentation and video exposés please visit SHARK's YouTube account to watch any of our over 1000 videos!

Click Here

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