




October 7, 2016


SHARK’s victory in federal court over the lawsuit filed against us by the pigeon shooters at the Philadelphia Gun Club (PGC) made the news yesterday:

"A lawsuit filed by the Philadelphia Gun Club against an animal rights group was shot down by a federal judge this week.

"In her decision, Heffley wrote that the plaintiffs "produced no evidence" to support this assertion and that the claim "rests on sheer conjecture.”"


“We know that the pigeon-shooter community looked to this lawsuit as a means to shut SHARK down so they could continue wounding and killing thousands of innocent birds, but it has backfired,” SHARK President Steve Hindi said. “The pigeon shooters thought they could use their wealth to harass and suppress us, but they have failed.”
Two of the dozens of pigeons we've rescued from the PGC's cruel shoots
Though this is a great victory for SHARK, Free Speech and the right to protest, the PGC members, who are very wealthy, are planning on launching a slew of new lawsuits against us. 

From the Bucks County Courier Times“...his clients will pursue their respective suits in state courts, including Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey and possibly Illinois, SHARK's home state.” 

Even though we just handed the pigeon shooters a commanding defeat in court, they are once again threatening multiple lawsuits against us! And why are they doing that? Because they know SHARK is the ONLY organization that has stood up to them and exposed their vile cruelty for the world to see. They have neither the moral nor legal high ground, but they have money. And they are willing to use that money to harass us and try to hurt us. 

As we told you in our last update, SHARK’s resources are depleted. We no longer have the funds to send our investigators across our country to fight animal abuse. Please send in a donation to keep us fighting for animals. Please also reach out to any celebrities or wealthy patrons you know of and ask them to help us to stand up to the pigeon shooter bullies who think they can commit animal cruelty and crush anyone who opposes them.

Please show them this video of SHARK’s efforts against the PGC so they can see first hand why our work is so important.
The Horror and Depravity of Live Pigeon Shoots

We were there for this innocent victim of the pigeon shooters at the PGC. Now we need your help if we are to continue our vital work
Even with the massive effort we have made against pigeon shoots, that only represents a small part of what we do. We have fought against rodeos from coast to coast, been on the Columbia River for the cormorants, and the Chesapeake Bay for cownose rays. Then there are the human/animal fighting rings we’ve gone after, deer slaughters, and on and on.

Not only has no other group documented the blood and horror committed at the PGC as we have, but no other group has fought against pigeon shoots across our country as we have. From South Carolina to Pennsylvania to Illinois to Minnesota, and of course US Senator Jim Inhofe’s shoot in Oklahoma, SHARK has been the only group to consistently put ourselves at risk to document some of the worst animal cruelty we’ve ever seen. We have rescued HUNDREDS of injured pigeons are these despicable shoots, animals that would have died a slow and torturous death otherwise. 

There is so much at stake here. We have been there for the animals, now we need you to be there for us so we may continue to save lives. 
Please make a generous donation by clicking HERE, or you can mail in a donation to:
SHowing Animals Respect and Kindness
      PO Box 28
      Geneva IL 60134





On September 13, 2016, Ryan Jackson, the Chief of Staff for Oklahoma Senator Jim Inhofe, posted a statement to the Inhofe campaign's Facebook account which contained a number of lies.

University Supports Illegal Animal Abuse

Click here to watch our videos exposing Northern Illinois University!

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