
New Video of Church-Sponsored “Pig Rassle” Reveals UnChristian Behavior

News Release:

New video of church-sponsored “pig rassle” reveals unChristian behavior: jokes about beating and sexually abusing animals and children; Bishop of Green Bay questioned about his support
GREEN BAY, WI – New video of a cruel and illegal "pig rassle" church fundraiser August 10 at St. Patrick Parish in Stephensville, Wisconsin documents vile behavior of the event supporters, including talk about abusing animals and children.
SHowing Animals Respect and Kindness (SHARK) has released a video showing the brutal and illegal human/animal fighting at the fundraiser, and today calls for an investigation.
Watch that video HERE

Above and below: Some of the unChristian behavior from supporters of the event


“It is important to remember this was a Catholic Church event, yet what we saw and experienced was anything but Christ-like behavior,” said SHARK President Steve Hindi. “This included supporters joking about beating and killing pigs and sexually assaulting them and children - while young children were present and listening.”
SHARK is sending the link to this video to David Ricken, the Bishop of Green Bay, and calling on him to answer why a parish under his rule is sponsoring disgusting behavior that goes against everything his religion is supposed to stand for.
"St. Patrick's Parish has tried to whitewash the animal abuse they sponsor by calling it a church fundraiser,” notes Hindi.  "What this video shows is that the Parish should be spending more time teaching their members about Christ’s message of peace and love and stop teaching that abusing animals is a fun and acceptable thing to do."
Earlier this month, SHARK released video that showed youths wallowing in mud contaminated by pig urine and excrement as they try to catch a traumatized pig. The video illustrates violations of state anti-cruelty and animal fighting laws, and child neglect laws. Spectators, organizers and participants could be charged with a misdemeanor or felony.
SHARK has also learned this event was cancelled in 1995 after a Assistant District Attorney – Mitchell Metropulos, now an Outagamie County Circuit Court judge –  said the event was illegal. 

Take Action!

Please contact the Bishop of the Diocese of Green Bay and ask him to hold everyone involved accountable for this travesty.
Office of the Bishop

P.O. Box 23825
1825 Riverside Drive
Green Bay, WI 54305

Phone: (920) 272-8194

Fax: (920) 435-1330

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Spectators, organizers and participants could be charged with misdemeanors and even felonies, but the Outagamie sheriff and district attorney are refusing to do anything. In fact, Sheriff Bradley Gehring (see picture below) walked in the parade that ended up at the pig abuse event!

Join with SHARK this Labor Day to Protest Pigeon Shooting in Pennsylvania


We want to remind you that in little over one week SHARK will be heavily engaged in fighting against a two-day live pigeon shoot at the Wing Pointe canned hunt club.

We cannot do this alone!  We need you to come out and help.

If you can make any of the following events, please email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
On Friday, August 29, 2014, SHARK will be holding a protest outside of the Berks County Courthouse where Antanavage is a judge. Please join with us as we hand out fliers and educate the public about what Adolph Antanavage has done.
Watch the video HERE
Protest: 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
633 Court Street 
Reading, PA 19601

If you are not able to attend, please either call or send a letter to President Judge Paul M. Yatron and ask him to pull all of Antanavage’s cases.
President Judge
Paul M. Yatron
Court of Common Pleas of Berks County
633 Court Street
Reading, PA 19601

Phone: 610-478-6208




SHARK will be at two public events in Berks County where we will be handing out fliers about Antanavage and the legislation to ban pigeon shooting.  
11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
11th Annual Taste Of Hamburg-er Festival, Hamburg, PA
According to their website, last year more than 35,000 people attended this event, so we have an excellent chance to reach many Berks County residents! 

If you can help us, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will make arrangements to meet with you before the event.
In an extraordinary poignant turn of events, the Reading Public Museum is holding an event remembering the 100th anniversary of the death of the last passenger pigeon. SHARK will be there educating the public about how on that very day vile shooters are slaughtering hundreds if not thousands of pigeons in the same county.
We will be meeting at 11:00 AM at the Reading Public Museum:
500 Museum Road
Reading, PA 19611
If you have experience with photography or videography, or are a beginner and want to learn how to document pigeon shoots, please contact us:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

We will be at the shoots from early morning until after the shooters leave, so we will take all of the help we can get. If you don't want to film or do the educational events, then please come to Wing Pointe and protest outside the canned hunt club at any time during the weekend.
Wing Pointe
1414 Moselem Springs Rd, Hamburg, PA 19526
If you haven't gotten involved in the battle against pigeon shoots yet, this is your chance join the fight on the ground against these shameful events. Don't expect things to change unless you get involved - we need your help!

University Supports Illegal Animal Abuse

Click here to watch our videos exposing Northern Illinois University!

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