July 24, 2013
Macy's Embraces Cruelty - Take Action!
Macy's takes great pride in supporting the communities and events important to the residents where we conduct business. In that spirit, we are pleased to be a part of the California Rodeo Salinas. Macy's supports the rodeo's commitment to livestock safety and welfare, including ensuring the proper medical services on site to ensure prompt and professional care if any injuries occur. We appreciate hearing the feedback from our customers, and we will continue to monitor the situation.Regards,Corporate CommunicationsMacy's, Inc.
More Cruelty Committed at the Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo
The injuries are mounting at the 2013 Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo. On July 20, 2013, a steer's neck appeared to be broken and two horses and riders fell head first over a fence. On Sunday, the 21st, a calf suffered a serious neck and a back injury in a roping event and another young steer also broke his leg and was later euthanized. The full extent of injuries to the animals including the horse injuries are unknown due to lack of transparency of official veterinarian reports.
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"Rodeos Kill Animals: Let's Stop Pretending They Don't."
Please take the time to put an end to rodeos and the sanctioned and horrific abuse of sentient beings who care about what happens to them and to their families and friends. Their pain and suffering are palpable and the videos and stories bring tears to my eyes and break my heart, and I know they will to you as well.
No one I know would tolerate this sort of sanctioned, intentional, and reprehensible abuse to dogs, cats, or other companion animals (aka "pets"). By not politely taking action we are pretending that this well-documented and repeated abuse doesn't really happen, but it does.
Monterey County Weekly on SHARK and our Work
Now Hindi and his team arm themselves with video cameras and shoot instances of animal cruelty at circuses, bullfights and “whale jails,” or animal parks. This weekend they turned their lenses on the California Rodeo Salinas. Over the course of three days at the rodeo, they captured three videos of animals being injured. On July 19, a young steer was killed during a roping event after a horse trampled it; the steer was injured about 15 seconds into the video—the remaining 3 minutes and 52 seconds show the animal suffering. (About the worst part—immediately after the injury happened, the steer lay there, its neck bent at an awkward angle and its tail flopping back and forth as it waited. Eventually it was loaded onto a lift attached to a tractor; it died just after it was driven out of the ring.)
Now SHARK is calling for a boycott of Macy's, which was a sponsor of this year’s California Rodeo Salinas. In its campaign, SHARK has a picture of the steer trampled by the horse; instead of “The Magic of Macy’s,” which is the company’s tagline, the copy reads, “The Malice of Macy’s,” with what appears to be blood spattered across the page. A Macy’s spokesperson didn’t respond to several requests for comment.
Tell American Airlines to Stop Publicizing Bullfights
In the events section of the American Airlines Lima page, an "all-important" bullfight festival is featured along with a phone number and website address for the ticket agent.
"The most famous matadors and bull ranches in the world compete for fame and glory in the Acho Plaza de Toros, a bullfighting arena erected in 1766 and rebuilt in 1945," the event description outlines. "The Feria Taurina del Señor de los Milagros is one of the key bullfighting events in Latin America."
Acknowledging the cruelty of bullfighting, a warning is given to those who "find the practice of bullfighting unpleasant": "We suggest you steer well clear."
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