
SHARK Challenges Pennsylvania State House Republicans to Demand a Vote on Pigeon Shoot Ban for November 12th!

Legislation to ban cruel live pigeon shoots has overwhelming support amongst the people of Pennsylvania. The State Senate voted 36-12 to ban the shoots.  Governor Tom Corbett said he would sign it. The bill, HB 1750, was supposed to be voted on in the Pennsylvania State House on Monday October 20th. Even the Pennsylvania House Republicans Tweeted that the bill would get a vote that day, but do to last minute lobbying by the NRA, House Majority leader Mike Turzai pulled the bill.

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House Majority Leader Mike Turzai Fails to Allow Vote

After an historic vote in the Pennsylvania Senate to ban horrific live pigeon shoots, and Governor Tom Corbett's announcement he would sign the bill into law, the decades long battle to end these vicious and cruel slaughters – where pigeons are used as living targets and shot at for fun – the end was in sight.

And yet it did not happen. Why? Because House Majority Leader Mike Turzai betrayed the people of Pennsylvania and refused to allow the bill to be voted on.

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Pigeon shoot ban clears major hurdle in General Assembly

Amy Worden
Philly Dawg
October 17, 2014

In history-making action Wednesday the Pennsylvania Senate voted overwhelmingly to end live pigeon shoots.

The passage of House Bill 1750 was not the final vote, but it represented a milestone in the history of animal welfare in the Commonwealth.

It was the first time the upper chamber of the General Assembly ever voted on a pigeon bill and the first  time in 20 years a full floor vote on pigeon shoot legislation was held.

Gov. Corbett, through a spokesman, told The Inquirer Thursday he will sign the bill if it clears the House on its final voting day on Monday.

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Please Help Us to Reach More People Throughout the State

From now until November 30th, 2014 we need your help!

When Pennsylvania legislators return to work on September 15, one of the bills that could come up for a vote would ban PA’s infamous live pigeon shoots. The National Rifle Association (NRA) is predictably working very hard to keep that bill from coming to a vote.

As this update is being sent out, SHARK investigator Stu Chaifetz is holding a press conference at the state Capitol building in Harrisburg. Stu will show reporters the 30 second television ad exposing the horror of these killing contests.The ad features game show host legend Bob Barker speaking out against the cruelty of pigeon shoots, while graphic images of the killing contests are shown. You can view the ad for yourself here: 

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Graphic TV Commercial Urging Passage of Pigeon Shoot Released

Graphic TV Commercial Urging Passage of Pigeon Shoot Legislation and Featuring Game Show Host Bob Barker to Air on CNN, FoxNews in PA Starting this Week

HARRISBURG, PA – A new statewide television commercial – narrated by legendary game show host Bob Barker and graphically showing gross animal cruelty at Pennsylvania pigeon shoots – will be unveiled here Tuesday. It's expected to air on CNN, FoxNews and other networks this week.

The news conference to preview the commercial and details of the campaign will be held TUESDAY/SEPT. 9 at 11:30 a.m. at the State Capitol Rotunda.

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Shots Rain Down on the Delaware River

Via Maya van Rossumon

Apr 24, 2014

Imagine a beautiful day out on a boat enjoying the sun and the beauty of the river. Suddenly shots ring out.

Shot fragments and bits of lead, steel, and other metals are raining down all around you. How can it be that you are in this beautiful public place on a scenic recreational river, and yet be at risk for a face full of shot fragments?

What if you had brought your family, your children?

You turn to look where the shots are coming from, and you see a curtain of fabric. The shots are coming from behind (and over and through) the curtain. Hidden behind that curtain is a live pigeon shoot, and the shooters are aiming their guns toward the river you are boating on.

How can this be allowed to happen?

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Bucks County District Attorney David Heckler Road Rage Incident

From the Bucks County Democrat website (1-31-2010):


You be the judge.... Read the the complete police report from the assault complaint filed against David Heckler. By his own admission, David Heckler described himself as "pompous and overbearing" when he accosted a young man who he alleged failed to stop at a stop sign. In the police report, Heckler himself admits to reaching into a complete stranger's car and striking the driver's hat off his head and then attempting to block the young man's attempt to exit his own vehicle. Read the road rage report for yourself by clicking here. The entire 14 page report will download as a PDF document. The name of the victim has been redacted.

Pigeon Rescue

MickaCoo Pigeon & Dove Rescue saves domestic (unreleasable) birds that would otherwise be killed in San Francisco Bay Area animal shelters. They provide vet care, foster homes, and adoptions. MickaCoo rescued 186 birds in 2012!

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PA Environmental Protection Department Gives Wing Pointe a Pass Over Illegal Tire Burning.

In October 2011, following a live pigeon shoot, SHARK's Angel copter caught Wing Pointe personnel burning not only pigeons, but also tires. Burning tires releases numerous toxins and is an environmental nightmare.

Unfortunately but predictably, the state has chosen to give Wing Pointe owner Joseph Solana, Jr. a pass, merely cautioning him not to do it again. No fine or penalty of any kind. That's how the game works in PA. Pigeon shooters get away with anything and everything - or at least they did until SHARK came on the scene.

You can read the PA DEP report by clicking here. 

You can see the videotape below:

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The Grotesque Dead Pile at Wing Pointe

Dead (mostly) Pile at Wing Pointe
(click to enlarge)

See what happens to the pigeons killed and injured after a live pigeon shoot in Pennsylvania.

This video and photographs were shot at Wing Pointe, a killing club for bloodthirsty animal serial killers located at 1414 Moselem Road, outside Hamburg, Pennsylvania, in Berks County.

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Report Cockfighting!

More Videos

To see even more documentation and video exposés please visit SHARK's YouTube account to watch any of our over 1000 videos!

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Pigeon Shooters Exposed!

Operation Bright Light exposes individual pigeon shooters to the world

        Click Here


Please contact the Pennsylvania Legislature and tell them to ban pigeons shoots once and for all. Click here to find and contact your Pennsylvania state legislator

Please contact Governor Tom Wolf and tell him that it's long past time for them to end the abominable cruelty of live pigeon shoots.

Governor Tom Wolf
Phone: (717) 787-2500
Fax: (717) 772-8284
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Please contact the Pennsylvania Tourism Bureau and tell them that you won't be vacationing in PA because of illegal live pigeon shoots.

1-800-847-4872 - Post on their Facebook page HERE.

Click here for a video from Bob Barker and more information.

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The World Peace Diet

by Dr. Will Tuttle, PhD

The World Peace Diet, which became a #1 Amazon best-seller in March, 2010, has been published in 16 languages and offers a compelling and liberating new understanding of our food and our culture. It has been called one of the most important books of the 21st century: the foundation of a new society based on the truth of the interconnectedness of all life. It is the first book to make explicit the invisible connections between our culture, our food, and the source of our broad range of problems—and the way to a positive transformation in our individual and collective lives. 

Find out more here.