
Pigeon shoot protest tiresome, expensive

Saturday, September 1, 1990


Over the last five year, Labor Day has become Pigeon Shoot Protest Day in Schuylkill County , and Monday is to be no exception.

This year, the war of words over the 55-year-old Hegins pigeon shoot has reached epic proportions , as protesters have gone so far as to threaten civil disobedience to disrupt the event the event. Some, taking the matter to the extreme, even threatened to use their bodies to shield the pigeons from the shooters.

Why anyone would entertain the thought of placing themselves in such jeopardy over the killing of pigeons is unclear, but the threat has been made and must be taken seriously.

Thus the danger of physical confrontation and possible injury is heightened, and state and local police will have to be especially vigilant as they work to preserve order at the event.

All of this is getting tiresome, and costly.

There is a considerable taxpayer expense-estimated at more than $20,000- to provide sufficient law enforcement personnel to ensure the safety of the shooters, the protesters and the general public. That expense would not be necessary if the protesters toned down their rhetoric and used tactics that were less confrontational.

The protesters have failed in their efforts to have pigeon shoots banned by the state Legislature, and earlier this week failed to convince Gov. Robert P Casey to issue an emergency order to stop the shoot to prevent the kind of violence that would be largely of the protesters' own making, if their words are to be taken seriously.

Instead of raising the stakes and increasing the risks for any and all involved, it would be wise for the protesters to reassess their position and restrain themselves. They have well made their point, and they can be respected for their position n the issue, but threats and violence cannot be condoned.

May cooler heads prevail on Monday? Human life and safety is the important issue, and no one's should be put at risk over pigeons.

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