This animal abuser wants you to know that he loves to shoot an arrow called the "Lungbuster" into defenseless animals, mainly deer, and from a cowardly tree-stand no less. An animal shot through the lungs drowns in its own blood. That's how much hunters love and respect animals.
Animal Protection PAC Calls for Criminal Investigation of Hunting Organization that Held Private Pheasant Shoot
On May 24th, the organization, Animal Protection PAC, held a press conference to expose members of the United Bowhunters of New Jersey and urge a criminal investigation. According to the bowhunting group's own website, pheasants were bought, "put to sleep", and taken to private land, whereupon the birds then had to be kicked and prodded into flight, only to be shot down at close range. The UBNJ video and comments have since been removed from their site and the bowhunters have threatened to sue the animal protectors.
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Man shot, killed in state park
November 20, 2006
By Charlene Bielema
Herald Editor
SAVANNA, Ill. — A Savanna man and his dog are dead today after being shot by a hunter at Mississippi Palisades State Park during the weekend.
Charles D. Pittman, 79, was pronounced dead at the scene of the shooting that happened as he was walking his dog in the park, according to a release issued by Illinois Conservation Police.
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A man who bolted antlers to the head of a dead doe and posed for a photograph with the deer was fined $400 and jailed for game violations.
Marcel Fournier, 19, shot the deer the evening of Nov. 22 and used lag bolts and epoxy to attach a 10-point rack, officials said. He then checked in the kill as lawful game at Barnie's Market.
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Courier News
By Tom Baldwin
Gannett New Jersey
TRENTON -- An animal-rights activist today played videos of laughing, high-fiving men kicking and poking allegedly drugged Ringneck pheasants so they would take flight to be targeted by fusillades of arrows and killed.
"We are hoping the state will prosecute," said Stuart Chaifetz of Cherry Hill, director of what he says is a 3,000-member Animal Protection PAC, short for political action committee.
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PLUSHNICK-MASTI | February 21, 2009 | 
WAMPUM, Pa. — An 11-year-old boy shot his father's pregnant girlfriend in the back of the head while she was lying in bed in their western Pennsylvania farmhouse, then got on the school bus and went to school, authorities said Saturday.
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