Cops For Cockfighting

With cockfighting illegal in all 50 states you may wonder why the cruelty is allowed to blatantly continue in so many places. In some cases the answer is crooked cops who refuse to enforce the laws they swore an oath to other cases the answer is much darker - the cops are deeply involved as cockfighters themselves. These pages will shed some light on cops who support cockfighting.

Click here to read about more bad cops


Faces of Cockfighting

Help us identify these individuals involved with illegal cockfighting. Send tips to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or leave a message at: (630) 385-0244



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Known Cockfighters

Here we showcase some of the cockfighters and the owners of major cockfighting arenas that SHARK is aware of. Cockfighting is illegal in all 50 states, yet these bloody, barbaric events are ongoing across our country. SHARK will expose these illegal animal fighters like never before, and we'll work hard to have those involved held accountable under the law.

Click here to read about these active criminals.


Update Page for Cockfighters Who Brutally Attacked Animal Welfare Investigators

On January 3rd, 2021, two investigators from SHARK drove to a suspected illegal cockfighting operation in Lawrence County, OH. Soon after arriving, SHARK President Steve Hindi was violently attacked, suffering multiple injuries including a head injury requiring six staples and a broken rib. Another investigator was pursued by cockfighters who rammed his car multiple times sending the car out of control into a ditch. These were two attempts of murder. SHARK is demanding a full investigation and maximum prosecution of all appropriate charges.


February 26, 2021 UPDATE!

We are happy to report that charges have now been filed. James Newcomb is charged with four felonies - two counts of felony assault, one felony count of theft, and one felony count of obstruction. Shannon Clark is charged with three felonies - one count of felony assault, one count of felony theft, and one count of felony obstruction.

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