
"It's time for the cowboys to stand up for the horses." So says Willie Nelson, but then why is he supporting the rodeo industry that helps to supply the slaughterhouses with used up and broken down horses? 


"It's time for the cowboys to stand up for the horses." So saysWillie Nelson, but then why is he supporting the rodeo industry that helps to supply the slaughterhouses with used up and broken down horses?

Willie Nelson seems to be a man trying to find his identity. Willie has worked hard to help the American farmer, and in a gesture that is particularly meaningful to an animal protection organization like SHARK, Willie has taken a stand against the slaughter of horses.

Many people know that singer Willie Nelson has stood up for American farmers for many years. More recently Willie has also taken a very public stand against horse slaughter, and this is a great asset to the campaign to save American horses from a horrible end. SHARK applauds Willie Nelson for standing up for horses headed for slaughter.

Unfortunately, Willie has also performed at some of the largest cruelty contests, also known as rodeos, in San Antonio and Houston, Texas--Willie’s home state. It is already strange that Willie has concern for horses headed for slaughter, but appears to be unaware of horses who are taunted, tormented and abused in rodeo arenas. But the real irony of this situation is that the same Rodeo Mafia for whom Willie Nelson will perform for is fighting to keep horse slaughterhouses in business, mercilessly killing hundreds of thousands of terrorized horses. Read more about the rodeo industry's support of horse slaughter HERE.

SHARK wanted to believe that Willie simply didn’t know about the suffering horses endure in rodeos, but that can't be claimed by Mr. Nelson. SHARK contacted Willie's publicist and sent a package of extensive information including a great deal of video footage and still pictures. Unfortunately, Willie never even bothered to respond.

How unfortunate! A representative of Nelson, a most unpleasant woman, stated that he has been involved in rodeos all his life. That may be the case, but we would submit thatif Willie is truly a caring person interested in the humane treatment of horses and other animals, he should stop supporting and doing business with rodeos.

Just as Willie Nelson is a great asset to the campaign to end horse slaughter, he could be a great asset to the campaign to bring relief to the horses and other animals who are brutalized, broken and discarded by the Rodeo Mafia.

Here’s something else for Willie to consider. If he is going to simply ignore the overwhelming evidence of animal abuse at rodeos submitted by the world’s number one organization for investigating rodeos, then why should anyone listen to him about the plight of horse slaughter victims? For that matter, why should anyone listen to him about the plight of the American farmer?

What do you think, Willie? We’d still love to hear from you.

Please contact Willie!

Willie Nelson
PO Box 91659
Austin, TX 78709-1659

Emails can be sent to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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