
Larry the Cable Guy (real name Daniel Lawrence Whitney) has put together quite a career of telling classless jokes about defecation, flatulation and other lowbrow or socially questionable subjects. Hey, everyone has a calling, and this one has done pretty well for Daniel Lawrence. Unfortunately, the reality of Danny is that he loves animal abuse. 


Larry the Cable Guy (real name Daniel Lawrence Whitney) has put together quite a career of telling classless jokes about defecation, flatulation and other lowbrow or socially questionable subjects. Hey, everyone has a calling, and this one has done pretty well for Daniel Lawrence. After all, few people can go with the intelligent and thought-provoking humor of a Bill Maher.

Unfortunately, the reality of Danny is that he loves animal abuse. In fact, he loves it so much that he actually sponsors Guy Allen, a steer busting rodeo contestant. Steer roping is the most brutal and deadly event in rodeo, and isn't even allowed in most states. Learn more about steer roping here. But Danny goes even further with his support of abusers and sponsors another seven animal abusers rodeo contestants, calling the whole pack his "Git-R-Done" rodeo team.

That's our take on Daniel Lawrence Whitney aka "Larry." Click here to see actual video footage of steer busting and decide for yourself!

Email "Larry" about his suck-up subsidies to disgusting animal abusers!

Or Write:
Parallel Entertainment
9255 Sunset Blvd. Suite 1040
Los Angeles, CA 90069 

To Call: (310) 279-1123

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