While tobacco companies still have people like these folks as customers, they are having more and more trouble getting people addicted to their drugs in order to replace the folks their products kill.
In 2008, the Greeley, CO Rodeo showed some small measure of integrity by standing up to the U.S. Smokeless Tobacco Company. They told them they are not welcome to give away free drugs at their rodeo. U.S. Smokeless Tobacco Company's response? They showed how much rodeo and the kids really mean to them by withdrawing a $200,000 sponsorship from the Greeley Stampede rodeo.

Tobacco area (U.S. Smokeless, Copenhagen & Skoal) at CFD Rodeo.Over 390 sensible communities across the nation have told these companies that they are not welcome to come in and handout their products in their city. The tobacco companies, like the drug dealers they are, long ago realized that the best way to get adults and kids addicted is to give away their products for free.
Now the Wyoming Department of Health has raised concerns over the tobacco companies that sponsor Cheyenne Frontier Days. Members of the CFD committee were asked to consider a review of current policies and youth access to these substances. The health department also offered to pay for the assessment. But CFD's executive director rejected the offer. Read the article here.
Will Cheyenne show the same integrity that the Greeley Rodeo showed or will they trade in their children's health for a little drug money? We will see.