Pigeon shooting - a 'tradition' that must be shot down

May 8, 2010
Patriot-News Op-Ed

Heritage. Tradition. Culture.

These are powerful words. They carry weight and they serve as social ballasts. But they can be cheapened in a hurry when they are carelessly tossed around. Misused in this fashion, they become just another reason for mistrust.

Pa. is the only state that currently allows shooting of live pigeons for target practice.
That’s what’s happening now as extremist members of the National Rifle Association stubbornly defend Pennsylvania’s tolerance for the practice of shooting captive, launched live pigeons for target practice, while portraying themselves as speaking for the more reasonable members of their association.

These aerial slaughters, they piously proclaim “are a tradition.”

Heidi Prescott 
Senior Vice President of Campaigns for The Humane Society of the United States

Traditional like racial segregation, dueling, cannibalism, child labor and animal sacrifice to placate mystical powers?

Just because people do it, or have done it, doesn’t make it a “tradition” worthy of upholding. To argue the case merely tarnishes a fine word.

Shooting captive pigeons who are released straight out of a box most certainly does not warrant the glory afforded a “tradition.”

Once, back in 1900, pigeon shooting was indeed an international sport and recognized by the Olympics. But only once — because the sight turned the stomachs of spectators, aghast at the utter wantonness of the suffering inflicted on these animals.

If 1900 is the benchmark, let me remind you that women did not have the right to vote back then. Is that a “tradition” we also should glorify?

The measure of progress in our society is our ability to recognize right from wrong, good from bad, tomorrow from yesterday.


Traditions can guide us, but they should never hold us hostage — and when the extremist spokespeople try to argue that killing tame birds in an open field or gun club — leaving scores wounded and dying — all for prizes and money — is a revered part of our past, the organization’s lobbyists show just how far they are from mainstream thinking.

Pennsylvania was the birthplace of the abolitionist movement against slavery. Now, unfortunately, it will be among the last to end the public spectacle of shooting pigeons instead of clay targets.

Let’s get it over and done with, and no more of this demeaning talk about honoring traditions or cultural heritage.

The Legislature must stop acquiescing every time an alarmist alert goes out over the Internet warning that the stopping of pigeon shoots is the first step toward ending, well, toward ending anything.
It’s not a first step, it’s the last step in ending a national embarrassment for Pennsylvanians. It’s the final step in ending an indefensible cruelty inflicted on animals.

This is not an issue of hunting or gun ownership, but one of cruelty to animals. Ninety nine point nine, nine percent of Pennsylvania hunters never have and never would participate in a live pigeon shoot. Indeed, it’s not an NRA issue at all.

Plain and simple, it’s a matter of when Pennsylvania will join the civilized family of America’s other states and stop allowing live animals to be used for nothing more than target practice.

It’s time for the Legislature to honor the best of Pennsylvania’s traditions — those that make us hold our heads high.

HEIDI PRESCOTT is senior vice president of campaigns for The Humane Society of the United States.