September 8, 2016


SHARK is in Oklahoma to protest and document a cruel live pigeon shoot political fundraiser that is to be held tomorrow, Friday, September 9, 2016.  This afternoon, SHARK sent an email to Ryan Jackson, Senator Inhofe’s Chief of Staff, asking if the senator will allow our people to rescue the many wounded pigeons that will be on the property when the shoot is over.

Please email Mr. Jackson and ask that Senator Inhofe allow us to rescue birds. Please also call Senator Inhofe's Washington DC office and ask for the same. Please be polite and respectful:


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This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Senator Inhofe's DC office:  (202) 224-4721


Please also contact the Oklahoma branch of the FBI and ask that they attend the Inhofe fundraiser tomorrow to make sure no one commits any illegal acts.  We have tried daily for three weeks to get a response from local law enforcement, but no one has responded. It's time for the federal government to step up and take action.


(405) 290-7770


Imagine that in the United States of America in 2016, no one from two different sheriffs' departments, nor from the Commissioner of the Oklahoma Department of Public Safety, will even acknowledge our existence. That says everything about corruption in OK - none of it good. This demonstrates the utter contempt these people have for the concept of humane treatment to animals and for those who try to protect them.

Worse yet, for more than 5 straight days, we have attempted to contact the FBI, because Oklahoma law enforcement is completely in the pocket of a corrupt senator. Incredibly, the FBI also refuses to respond.

Anyone who claims the USA is a nation of laws is just clueless.

The following is the email that was sent:

Dear Mr. Jackson,

As you represent Senator Inhofe as both his Chief of Staff and as part of the Friends of Jim Inhofe PAC, we are contacting you to request permission to rescue pigeons that are wounded and not recovered during Senator Inhofe’s pigeon shoot, which is set to take place tomorrow afternoon.

As you are aware from the photographs taken by the Bureau of Reclamation after the 2014 pigeon shoot, there will be many pigeons on the property that are not recovered, but who will die a slow and painful death. To avoid that this year, we are asking to be allowed access to the property after the shoot is over and when the attendees have left. Our only mission at that point will be to save lives.

Senator Inhofe says he is a religious man and a Christian.  Is this not the Christian thing to do?


Steve Hindi
President, SHARK

• You can call me directly at 630-640-1889 to discuss this further.