On March 12, SHARK revealed its undercover video investigation into a deer kill by the Forest Preserve District of Will County. Forest Preserve District President Suzanne Hart reacted by threatening to investigate us, and then she said that the killing had to happen because the deer were starving.

Using the District’s own reports from the previous year, we proved that the deer were all of average weight, meaning there was no starvation.
Watch our new video on this issue HERE.

Since making the video public, we have obtained the reports from the most recent killing season, and the evidence is indisputable - the deer are NOT starving!

Fortunately, there is at least one commissioner who is willing to do the right thing. Commissioner Liz Collins was the only official to respond to our invitation to attend a press conference on March 17, which we held to display some of our undercover deer kill footage.

Commissioner Collins gave a brief but moving statement about her hope that Will County would adopt a more humane ethic going forward. You can see that statement HERE.

The mass killing of deer under the false claim of overpopulation is now epidemic across the country. Killing companies are springing up, and people who love to shoot animals are volunteering to do their “civic duty.”

Will County has an opportunity to step out from the crowd of animal killers, by conducting a serious review of its program. Please politely contact the Will County Forest Preserve Board and ask them to review its program, and look into nonlethal alternatives if there actually are too many deer. Remember that in the almost two months our cameras were up, they recorded very few deer.

Suzanne Hart, President of the Board of Commissioners:suzannehartwillcounty@yahoo.com

Please CC the remaining commissioners using the following email addresses:


SHARK Movie Review: Thumbs DOWN to “The Longest Ride”

"The Longest Ride" is a new movie that glorifies bull riding. SHARK has released a new video exposing the cruelty behind bull riding and why you should avoid this movie at all costs.

The star of the movie, Scott Eastwood (Clint Eastwood’s son) told People magazine that he “…grew up going to the Salinas rodeo, so that was cool.”That’s a sad commentary on Scott Eastwood’s upbringing.

SHARK has documented a great deal of cruelty at the California Rodeo in Salinas. In fact, we are currently suing the rodeo because the rodeo veterinarian has not reported all the animals injured during the rodeo as is required by state law.

Watch our video HERE

This movie has a 17% score on Rotten Tomatoes and we expect it will go lower.

A Big Thumbs UP To “Tyke Elephant Outlaw”

In 1994, an elephant named Tyke, after years of suffering abuse, escaped from the circus that had imprisoned her, killed her trainer and was then shot to death.

Her tragic story is now a documentary called “Tyke Elephant Outlaw.”  The film will premiere at the Sarasota Film Festival in Florida later this month.  

You can learn more about the movie HERE

The producers of the film contacted SHARK some time ago and asked if they could use our footage, which we provided. You can watch our video, "Cruelty to Circus Elephants," HERE.

The Mickey Petersen Charitable Fund

Mickey Petersen, a long time supporter of SHARK, sadly passed away recently. Her daughter, Sherry Hotham, reached out and told us that her mother wanted SHARK’s good work fighting for animals to continue. We are now proud to announce that The Mickey Petersen Charitable Fund has made a generous donation for SHARK’s work fighting against rodeos.

Thank you Mickey. We are honored that you have trusted us and our work.  We will honor your name by fighting as hard as we can against cruel rodeos, and working to save lives.

Rodeo Supporters - In Their Own Words  

In a new video, SHARK plays a recent voicemail from a rodeo supporter. In the message, the rodeo supporter not only threatens us, but details how he abused his horse, while a woman cackled in the background. The rodeo supporter went on to say that he not only beat the horse, but beat his woman, who then added that she liked it.

That's what real rodeo supporters are like. We can’t make this stuff up. We turned the recorded call over to the police, who contacted the individuals responsible. While the male caller bragged that he wasn’t afraid of, and would not back down to anyone, he apparently changed his tune once he was on the phone with the police.

Watch the video HERE.

We Need Your Help To Save Lives

Folks, we have been talking about our worsening financial situation for some time now. Bob Barker’s generous donation of a million dollars of 2008 is gone. It should be noted that while large organizations bring in that much more or more in a week, SHARK fought hard and strong for seven years.

The people who shot this innocent pigeon for fun are wealthy with money to burn. We need your help so we can continue to stand up for their victims.

When it comes to both efficiency and effectiveness, I believe SHARK is the best deal going for animal investigations, and exposing animal abuse. We take on issues that other groups are downright afraid of, such as rodeos, pigeon shoots, government deer kills, bullfighting and more.

If you want to see us continue to move forward, we need your support.