Hawk's Nest, Pinsonfork, Pike County, KY

Pinsonfork, KY

To reach this pit from the Pike County Sheriff’s office, proceed 2.4 miles south on US-119 towards Watson Hill. At State Highway 199 turn left and proceed for 3.3 miles. At State Highway 1056 turn left and proceed for 2.4 miles and the pit entrance is on the left side of the road.

Google Map link: 37.564119, -82.22599

Hawk's Nest is perhaps the biggest and most persistent cockfight we are aware of in Kentucky. They are persistent because the police, including and particularly the state police, will not stop them.

Kentucky State Police Troop 9

Captain Randal Surber, Post Commander
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(606) 433 – 7711

Tpr. Michael Coleman
Public Affairs Officer
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Pike County Sheriff Rodney Scott
Phone: 606-432-6260
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.